Tuesday 28 March 2017


Create 2 staircases based on a design created in Week 2.
Both designs should be unique and representative of moving up/down to Above and Below spaces.

Above - Streamlike
Below - Suspend


Stair concept: Streamlike

Stair concept: Suspend

Tutor's feedback
-Too much information in the model
-Surrounding topography distracts focus on the model, best to omit as viewers can make sense of
ground level via the glass panes
-Square floor doesn't work with the curved forms and alignment of glass panes, recommended to change to a circular / organic shape
-The glass panes speak for the building, and should work with the floor and stairs to draw out its organic form (having a geometric, rigid structure distracts and ruins the view)
-Stair 1 is also too rigid and not working well with the curved glass, recommended to build along the curved panes -> stairs become part of the wall, or share its alignment

Current considerations
I wasn't planning to upload this initially but it's always good to also document your unsuccessful attempts / failures, so that you can refer to them and keep record of progress. At least I now know that curved wall planes don't work so well with a square floor (in the context of my study).

I'll probably scrap the current designs and rework on a new structure using the glass panes as the reference point as suggested. I like the string-like effect in the Staircase 2 so I'll see if I can incorporate that in my new design.

Tutor suggested the Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre as an example of something similar to my current model. It looks like an incomplete eggshell. Can an eggshell have a skeleton? Most intriguing.

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